H1 has to be false, as otherwise H4 would be redundant thus illegal. H5 has to be true, as otherwise there would be no way to deduce the 4th digit. ->Implied hint: digits 1, 2, and 3 need to add to 8, so the 4th digit can be restricted to only 9. H2 and H3 have to be true, as otherwise we would not be able to deduce the 2nd and 3rd digits at all. H4 being true allows 2 possible answers, 2238 and 2239, thus it must be false. (see implied hint) H4 being false allows only 1 answer, 3239, thus this is the answer.
The point of game is that by the fact that questions are not redundant and there exists a unique solution, you can detemine the passcode, which you input in the link
Aw this was fun. I got the password right, but I'll be honest, I'm still not entirely sure why my order was correct. But then after reading over jakefriend's comments, I realized there wasn't a guaranteed order or a limit on the number of allowed guesses. So I guess I got it!
@mr_SILLY It's not a game that requires a download--just a simple logic problem. When you've solved it, just enter the answer in the box and it will tell you if you're correct or not. I thought it was a fun little bite size diversion. Pretty easy, but not completely trivial either.
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How I solved it:
H1 has to be false, as otherwise H4 would be redundant thus illegal.
H5 has to be true, as otherwise there would be no way to deduce the 4th digit.
->Implied hint: digits 1, 2, and 3 need to add to 8, so the 4th digit can be restricted to only 9.
H2 and H3 have to be true, as otherwise we would not be able to deduce the 2nd and 3rd digits at all.
H4 being true allows 2 possible answers, 2238 and 2239, thus it must be false. (see implied hint)
H4 being false allows only 1 answer, 3239, thus this is the answer.
i understood but i had to google redundant for this lol, very cool puzzle!
maybe as a spoiler for people:
the key is the question asking about the first digit again - you would not do this if you already knew the answer
how do i play the game ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
you dont
oh ._.
you must enter the passcode
its 3239
Thanks :3
game review: bro thinks he's christopher nolan (he is)
This is the most important hint: "if you know all the answers then you can determine the passcode, and that there are no redundant questions."
I'm still so confused but thx TvT
the password is apples
Meh, got spoiled in the comments :'(
Were Download g
its not a downloadable game
not all games have to be installed
oh ok i understand know
110 days later ive finally got back to this
how to download???????????
dont worry i dont know too
there is no download
to check the solution, click on the "check solution here link"
(this comment is mainly for people in the future who have the same question :/ )
that does nothing
The point of game is that by the fact that questions are not redundant and there exists a unique solution, you can detemine the passcode, which you input in the link
oh ok
3239 is the code
How to Download
It does not need to download you need to click check solution here and put the password
It's a wonderfully simple and clever little puzzle.
It would be nice if I could reset it without clearing all my cookies so that someone else can try it on my device.
Solved first in a brute-force manner using Python, then using just logic. Nice puzzle :)
No download button?
Good game lol
wheres the download button
u need to press check solution and then type the password this is the game
Aw this was fun. I got the password right, but I'll be honest, I'm still not entirely sure why my order was correct. But then after reading over jakefriend's comments, I realized there wasn't a guaranteed order or a limit on the number of allowed guesses. So I guess I got it!
@mr_SILLY It's not a game that requires a download--just a simple logic problem. When you've solved it, just enter the answer in the box and it will tell you if you're correct or not. I thought it was a fun little bite size diversion. Pretty easy, but not completely trivial either.
it turn out... you cant download this game its just to fool you
you really fought the pascode was down here... well no
I like chocolate