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My son just finished the main game on his tablet and he is dying to make his own custom levels, but I don't see any option for that. Is that only included in the pc version?

Hi, I'm afraid so! Sorry.

Hello! We played your game on stream and loved it!

I've seen a lot of footage of this game, while it looks great, I just kinda wish it had a dark theme version...

Hi James, it does have a dark mode option! Most footage just uses the default setting.

I've played through the entire game on mobile. This is one of my favorite puzzle games experiences in recent memory, and translates brilliantly to different platforms.

The puzzles are incredibly clever, and expand well beyond what you'd expect from the initial concept. If you enjoy puzzle games that require a bit of lateral thinking, do give this one a try!



Such a minimalistic and clean design. Complete delight!


This game is the best thing that's ever run on my computer. It's OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!! #MindBlown


I'd like a DLC to be added
Features i want for each world in the DLC below:

World 1+:
Introduces the key word "FAMILY", which blacks out three cells as long as they are in a row or coloum

World 2+:
Introduces the keyword "SIDES", which blacks out all cells in a row that has at least 1 white cell

World 3+:

Introduces the keyword "HAMMER", which blacks out one cell repeatedly until it is actually black

World 4+:

Introduces the keyword "ABCBA", which is like doing the effects of "ABA" on two adjacent cells

World 5+:
Introduces the keyword "NERD", which is like "BE" but it can't make white cells "?".

World 6+:
Introduces the keyword "PLASMA", which is like "BE" but it can only change blank cells to "X".

World 7+:
Introduces the keyword "COPYCAT", which will do the same thing as the last keyword used
For example,
If you used "LOK" then "COPYCAT" then the "COPYCAT" will behave the same as "LOK".
Note: Can't be used as the first keyword in a level

World 8+:
Introduces the keyword "TROOPS", which will do the same thing as the first keyword used in the level
For example,
If you used "ABA", "TLAK", "COPYCAT", then "TROOPS", "TROOPS" will behave like "ABA".
Note: Can't be used as the first keyword in a level

World 9+:
Introduces portals (used as numbers) which alter how a word can be made.
For example, "TLAK" can be made here:
Note: "BE" and "NERD" can't change cells to numbers
? can't be used as a number either

World 10+:
Introduces the keyword "CREATE", which adds a blank cell anywhere you want

World 11+:
Introduces the keyword "BUILD", which adds a black, blank cell anywhere you want

World 12+:
Introduces gray cells, which, when clicked, can be changed into either white or black. Can't be used as either until you choose.

World 13+:
Has one level and finishes off with the keyword "DLCFINISH", which lets you beat the world 13+

(if ur not the developer then why r u here)
Plus why can't you make monuments in level editor???


10/10 I love it so much